Solutions covering several areas - with Domain experience

Area Experience
Design and Testing
  • Test validity - telemetry
  • Drive cycle signatures
  • Test variant optimization
  • Abuse detection based on vehicle / machine telematics, Driver rating
  • Predictive maintenance
  • With Quality teams on
  • warranty analysis and prediction
  • anomaly detection
  • early warning from job card
  • Customer segmentation and principal components
  • Product segmentation drivers and trend prediction
  • Forecasting at various aggregation levels
  • Buying/Loss propensity
  • Funnel analysis (and anomaly detection)
  • Machine downtime prediction, Predictive maintenance,Abuse detection
  • In use optimization of machine setting/ parameters for operations (such as based on wear, tool / job based learning)
  • Productivity measurement for people, Yield, energy and throughput prediction (and explain-ability)
  • Poka yoke / defect detection ,Measurement with pictures / lasers
  • Pre-delivery inspection with drone / fixed cameras (No experience)
  • Test bed data - anomaly detection ,EOL testing optimization for configured products
Sourcing and Supply Chain
  • Supply chain risk (line stoppages) prediction (No experience)
  • Price discovery based on master data NLP, Automated LPP from part description for VE
  • Part description based or Geometry based search for standardization (No experience)
Support functions
  • HR Analytics and ML - Joiners and attrition prediction
  • Finance - Collection analytics

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